Antonio Štrkalj
Quantum condensed matter theory
Institute for theoretical physics
K 23.3
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27
8093 Zürich
Tel: +41 44 633 79 75
Short CV
- 2016-present: Ph.D. studies at the ETH Zürich.
- 2011-2016: M.Sc. in physics at the University of Zagreb, Croatia.
Research Interests
- Strongly correlated 1D systems
- Bosonization, Luttinger liquids
- Interplay between interactions and the environment
- Transport through dirty Luttinger liquids
- Quasiperiodic 1D systems
- Localization properties of single-particle quasiperiodic models
- Dynamics of many-body models, many-body localization
- Fabry-Pérot interference in 2D materials (e.g InAs/GaSb)
- Optical properties of monolayer MoS2 (DFT calculations)