Prof. Oded Zilberberg
Quantum condensed matter theory
Institute for theoretical physics
K 33.4
Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27
8093 Zürich
Tel: +41 44 633 25 92
Short CV
- 2016-now: Assistant Professor (SNF) at ETH Zürich.
- 2015-2016: Scientist at ABB Switzerland corporate research.
- 2013-2015: Postdoc at ETH Zürich.
- 2008-2013: Ph.D. studies at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.
- 2005-2007: M.Sc. in physics at the University of Basel, Switzerland.
- 2001-2004: B.Sc. in physics, mathematics, and computer Science at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel.
Research Interests
- Exotic material properties in quantum engineered systems
- Topological states in quasi-periodic models
- Topological indices of interacting, driven, and dissipative bosons
- Many-body localization
- Artificial dimensions and gauges in metamaterials
- Parametrically driven light-matter systems
- Quantum transport in mesoscopic devices
- Interplay of measurement and virtual transport
- Signatures of anyon exchange statistics in electronic interferometers
- Weak measurements and the Weak Value protocol
- Dot-cavity electronics in the strong coupling limit